And Then She Was One!
Last Updated: 28 July 2004

Party at Grandmommy and Poppy's featured Clifford!

I wonder what is in this one?

Kate needs to call up her friends and tell them what a great time she is having.

Elmo is always popular.

Kate's starting to get the idea of this present thing.

Practice cake prior to the BIG party.

Practice is fun!

Poppy taking pictures of the Birthday Girl.

Kate did get some in her mouth, really!

Our first attemp at cleanup was veto'd.

Kate had a lot more fun in the tub.

Setting for the BIG Party.

Kate and Cousin Brynn working on cake strategy.

One of the early toys was a big hit.

All the "girls".

Opening advice is gladly accepted.

Mommy and Kate reading a new book.

A beautiful cake Lynn's "Designer Cakes".

Having a good time in her new rocking chair.

Just starting a sweet portion of the party.

Who's back there?

Cake eating technique has improved greatly.

Uncle Scott playing hide and seek.

Where did he go?

Juju getting a kiss goodbye.