Elizabeth Katherine Kelsey

News Flash: World's Most Beautiful Baby Born To Kentucky Couple!  Find Details Here!

Standing at the Door (Again!)


When you look in the night sky, you can now see Kate!  Thanks to a unique gift from longtime friend Jane Brooks, the star "Elizabeth Katherine Kelsey" can be found with the Hydra Constellation at RA 9hours 29minutes 36.73seconds, Declination 4º 52minutes 4.84seconds.

"A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on."  -- Carl Sandburg

Movie 1 &Movie 2

Fun, Fun, Fun! Updated 5 June 2003

And Then She Was One! Updated 1 July 2002

Vital Information Updated 25 August 2006

Family Pictures Updated 4 June 2002

Family Pictures 2  Updated 5 June 2003

Kate with Friends Updated 13 November 2001

Kate's First Party Updated 6 March 2002

Special Days!Updated 17 April 2002

Kate in WhiteUpdated 19 September 2001

Go RAMS! Updated 22 October 2001

Adventures with Food Updated 5 June 2003

Kate's Travel LogUpdated 29 July 2012

Kate's Guest Book

We are always working on something newbut sometimes it takes a while!!!.  Check back soon.

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Last Updated:06 August 2007 09:07 PM